17 December 2009

Running parameterized JUnit tests in parallel

We use JUnit 4 for Anaconda, not just for unit tests, but also for integration or system tests. Typically, we iterate over all features of a given class in a database and validate each feature.

Note: I'm using the term feature in the sense of map feature, not in the sense of application feature or implemented requirement.

A simple pattern for such tests is

public class FeatureTest
    public void testAllFeatures()
        for (Feature feature : findAllFeatures())

    private void testOneFeature(Feature feature)
        // some logic with one or more JUnit assertions

Obviously, this naive approach has the following drawbacks:
  • The test fails and terminates on the first incorrect feature. The remaining features will not be tested.
  • All features get tested sequentially. This may take awfully long for a large database.
JUnit 4 has a specialized runner Parameterized for running all tests in a given class with different parameters from a given list of parameter sets. An instance of the test class is created for each parameter set, and the parameters are passed to the constructor via reflection:

public class FeatureTest
    // This is the parameter for each instance of the test.
    private Feature feature;

    public FeatureTest(Feature feature)
         this.feature = feature;

    public static Collection<Object[]> getParameters()     
        List<Feature> features = findAllFeatures();
        List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(features.size());
        for (Feature feature : features)         
             parameters.add(new Object[] { feature };
        return parameters;
    public void testOneFeature()     
        // assertions acting on the feature member

This solves the first problem: Each feature gets tested in its own test instance. Now if there is a large number of features or if each individual test is very expensive, we would like to run the test instances in parallel, using a thread pool, or maybe even a grid of multiple computers.

Browsing through the JUnit sources, I found a surprisingly easy way of parallelizing the tests with a thread pool, simply by using a custom runner:

public class FeatureTest
   // same class body as above

All you need is a simple extension of the Parameterized runner:

public class Parallelized extends Parameterized
    private static class ThreadPoolScheduler implements RunnerScheduler
        private ExecutorService executor; 
        public ThreadPoolScheduler()
            String threads = System.getProperty("junit.parallel.threads", "16");
            int numThreads = Integer.parseInt(threads);
            executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads);
        public void finished()
                executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
            catch (InterruptedException exc)
                throw new RuntimeException(exc);

        public void schedule(Runnable childStatement)

    public Parallelized(Class klass) throws Throwable
        setScheduler(new ThreadPoolScheduler());

The RunnerScheduler interface is fairly new in JUnit and marked as experimental. I discovered it in the current version JUnit 4.8.1 and found it missing in JUnit 4.4.0 which we have been using so far. RunnerScheduler is also available in JUnit 4.7.0, but I did not check if this is the earliest version.