06 November 2008

Hibernate and OSGi: A pragmatic solution

The simplest thing you can do to turn a plain old JAR with a number of external dependencies into an OSGi bundle is wrapping this JAR and all its dependencies in another JAR and adding an OSGi manifest with all dependencies on the bundle classpath.

For example:
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.hibernate.osgi
Bundle-ClassPath: hibernate3.jar,
Export-Package: org.hibernate,
With this megabundle, you can trivially solve all classpath or visibility issues between Hibernate and its dependencies.

You still have to do something to make the model classes of your application and the mapping files accessible to Hibernate.

Eclipse Equinox has an extension of the OSGi standard called buddy policies, which enables you to define some kind of classloader callback.

Your application depends on Hibernate, but you do not want Hibernate to depend on your application. Even if you wrap your own Hibernate bundle, you want to be able to use it in more than one of your applications.

There are several flavours of buddy policies, I will just mention one of them: Adding the header
Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered
to your Hibernate bundle manifest will tell Hibernate to ask all its buddies for classes it cannot load using its own classloader.

In each bundle of your application containing some Hibernate model classes, you then add a dependency on Hibernate and a header telling Hibernate that your bundle is a buddy:
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: org.hibernate.osgi
Require-Bundle: org.hibernate.osgi
(The buddy thing does not work unless there is an actual dependency by Require-Bundle or Import-Package.) This will enable Hibernate to load classes and resources from your bundle, so it will also be able to locate your Hibernate mapping files if you put them into your bundle next to the model classes. Make sure to define your mappings in terms of resources, not files.

You can use the same approach for your JDBC drivers. More likely than not, your JDBC JAR does not come with an OSGi manifest, so you have to wrap it in a bundle anyway. Add a dependency on Hibernate and make your JDBC bundle a buddy of Hibernate. Logically, this is upside-down, but it has the advantage that you can exchange your JDBC drivers without changing the Hibernate bundle.

Alternatively, you can add optional dependencies to the Hibernate manifest on any JDBC driver you are planning to use, e.g.
Require-Bundle: com.microsoft.sqljdbc;resolution:=optional,
Of course, this solution is a nightmare to any OSGi purist, but it does work and it is easy to set up.

There are the following major drawbacks:
  • You are bound to Equinox. Other OSGi implementations do not have a buddy policy equivalent. To my best knowledge, you would have to resort to DynamicImport-Package which opens the gates much wider.
  • The megabundle approach does not scale. It will be okay if Hibernate is the only component in your system you treat this way. If you have three or four of such heavyweight components you will end up wrapping general purpose JARs like commons-logging.jar over and over again.
  • And you will be in real trouble if some of the wrapped third-party dependencies occur in more than one megabundle and are used on the API of your components. With multiple copies of the same JAR in different bundles, and each bundle having its own classloader, you will end up with class cast or assignment exceptions, because classes loaded via different class loaders are always incompatible, even if they have the same fully qualified name.

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